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job hopping 為求經濟利益而改行,跳廠,跳槽。

job hunter

Example : the young executive had worked for four companies in the three years since he left business school , but during his interview he explained his job hopping by blaming company acquisitions , massive layoffs , andthe region ' s poor economic performance 年輕的經理從商學院畢業后的三年里換了四家公司,但是在面試的時候他解釋說他之所以頻繁跳槽是由于公司收購、大幅裁員以及當地經濟不景氣的緣故。

His research reveals that job hopping is not an end in itself but something young workers do when they see no other choice 他的研究顯示,跳槽本身不是目的,而是年輕員工發現別無選擇時會做的事。

In the past , young staff of jones lang laselle were emotional and job hopping fast 仲量聯行過往聘用的年輕員工,都較情緒化,流失率偏高。

He has gone to a famous computer company when he was job hopping 他跳槽去了一個著名的計算機公司。